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Safe Sleep Procedures

11.10 Safe Sleep Procedure

·         Babies will always be put to sleep on their backs with their feet to the foot of the cot.

·         A cotton cellular blanket is placed loosely but securely under the child’s arms which cannot normally slip over the child’s head; however, some children wriggle excessively and can get everything over their heads.

·         Children are allowed to sleep or rest when they are tired and not at designated times.

·         No toys, stuffed animals, pillows, cot bumpers or other loose bedding will be used in the cot and where soothers are used they are never attached by strings or cords

·         The optimum room temperature is between 15 - 18 degrees Celsius.

·         Visual sleep checks are made regularly.

·         No cot is directly adjacent to a heater, curtains or anything that might pose a risk to the child and sufficient space is allotted to allow access to each child and to reduce the risk of infection.

·         Lighting via windows and light fixtures is controlled to maintain a subdued lighting level conducive to sleep while also allowing sleeping children to be monitored.

·         Where an overnight service is provided a sleep monitor will be used and occasional checks will be carried out.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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