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P&P Overview

Cairde Policies & Procedures
These are suggested Policies and Procedures, which are supplied by Childminding Ireland and have been adapted by me to suit my own Childminding service.

I am not registered with TUSLA (the Child and Family Agency); nevertheless, these sample Policies and Procedures have been updated in view of the requirements of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, which commenced on June 30th 2016.

The Child Protection Policy reflects the Children First Act 2015, which puts elements of the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011) on a statutory footing.

Policies and Procedures are active documents that reflect what I do and how I do it within my Childminding service every day. Over time, practices change to reflect new learning.

I examine my Childminding practice to ensure my Policies and Procedures reflect how I deliver my service to the children in my care and their families.

Please note that these Policies and Procedures relate mainly to pre-school children and that e.g. keeping things out of reach of older children who have malicious intent is nearly impossible.

I developed these Policies and Procedures from the sample ones provided by Childminding Ireland to suit my own Childminding service.

I give a copy of my Policies and Procedures to parents/guardians, along with a signed copy of the Childminding Contract. Parent/Guardian should sign both of these documents.

If you send your children to my childminding service you thereby consent to my Policies and Procedures.
The links below will take you to the sections on this web page.

If you prefer to view each policy or procedure on a separate web page please use the menu on the left hand side of the screen for navigation.
In that case please avoid using the Back to overview link at the bottom of each section since that will take you back to this web page.

1.0            Statement of purpose and function

This is a home based Childminding service offering pre-school care for children aged 0-6 not attending primary school, and also offering out of school care for children up to age 12, i.e. National School pupils.

If they have been with me for a while I might consider taking them on when they are slightly older seeing that a lot of children don't start Junior Infants until they are 5 or even 6 years old now and thus will be in National School until they are 13 or 14 years old.

The operating hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday in general, although early or late care, weekend care, or overnight care can be arranged if necessary.

1.1            Notification Procedure

The service will never cater for more than 5 pre-school children, and will have no more than 6 children including school age children, at any one time.

Before starting my Childminding service, if I intended to mind 4 or more pre-school children - which I don't at the moment - I would register my service with TUSLA.

I would notify TUSLA in writing, of any changes in my circumstances, within 28 days. I would of course also pay the annual fee of €40.00 for notifying a Childminding service to TUSLA.

2.0      Childminder Suitability

  • I offer at least two character references regarding my suitability to care for children and I encourage parent/guardian to verify them.

  • I have Garda Vetting, as do all adults over 18 years living in the household, i.e. my husband and all three of our children.

  • I have Childminding insurance.

  • I have extra car insurance for my childminding (since normal car insurance doesn't cover childminding).

  • I have current Paediatric First Aid and First Aid Responder (FAR) certificates.

  • I have current Child Protection training including Tusla’s e-learning module and I am willing to engage in further Child Protection training.

  • I keep an up to date Curriculum Vitae to show both relevant training and experience with children. I also try to keep the qualifications pages on my website updated to reflect recent trainings I have done.

2.1      Stand-in/Back-up person

I have recruited a back-up person for emergencies, and informed him of all relevant policies and procedures, including child safeguarding.

In line with best practice, I have a back- up person, my husband Erich Alexander, who has proof of Garda Vetting and will stand-in for me during an emergency/planned absence.

The back-up person will be introduced to each child and parent/guardian and attends my service regularly so the children are familiar with him.

3.0      Childminders and Ratios

In line with Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016:

  • I will mind 6 children or fewer at any one time (this means in my house at the same time), of whom no more than 5 are pre-school age. (Section 12:1a) - This means I am exempt from registering with Túsla.

  • A Pre-school child is defined under the Child Care Act as “a child who is under 6 years of age and who is not attending a National School or a school providing education similar to a National School.”

  • No more than two children should be under 15 months unless they are siblings. (Section 12:2)

  • Under current legislation (see Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School age Services) Regulations 2018) I can mind up to 12 school age children at the same time but only up to 6 if I don't register with Túsla (again "at the same time" means in my house at the same time, i.e. not with me on separate days).

4.0      Admissions Policy

Before providing a Childminding service, I meet with parents/guardians to explain how I work, to show them the facilities and to discuss terms and conditions, including a review of these Policies and Procedures.

Once terms and conditions, including fees and payment terms have been agreed, a contract between myself and the parents/guardians of the child will be signed.

5.0      Settling-In Policy

The purpose of a settling-in period is to come to a mutually agreeable arrangement, which suits the child, parent/guardian and Childminder.

A Settling-In time gives you the opportunity to provide me with lots of information about your child, their likes and dislikes, routines, favourite activities, how to comfort them if they become upset and how they have reacted when left in the care of others before.  

It gives me the opportunity to build a picture of both your child’s and your family’s needs.

I would encourage you to stay until you feel that your child is settled; however, some children will not settle when they're parents are around because it is their way of showing their love and their emotions/feelings to their parents on separation. What they are actually saying is, "I love you very much and I don't want you to leave." In that case they usually settle in within a few minutes after the parents' leaving because there is no point in them continuing to cry when their parents are gone.

Some children do take longer than others to settle, and others settle quickly but can become distressed a few weeks into the placement for various reasons.

I will work with you to support your child through this transition period.

It is important that you and your child are relaxed and happy in my home and that you are satisfied with the care I provide.

5.1        Settling-in Procedure

  • I will arrange for you and your child to visit my home and spend some time with the other children in the service.

  • Then I will arrange some short stays for the child on his/her own.

  • I will ensure the settling period is not hurried, to give support and reassurance to your child for as long as required.

  • I always encourage parents to collect their child on time.

  • I will establish a routine that the child can relate to and take comfort in.

6.0      Equality & Social Inclusion Policy

I respect the individuality of each child and adult involved with my Childminding service.

I promote positive attitudes to differences of ability, race, gender, culture, language, membership of the Traveller Community and socio-economic circumstances.

My Childminding service is open to any child with additional needs, provided that the best outcome for the child is available in my home.

6.1      Equality & Social Inclusion Procedures

  • I nurture self-esteem and respect for others in each child by ongoing positive interactions during the day.

  • I do not tolerate any remark or action by an adult or child which denigrates a person on any of the nine grounds specified in equality legislation.

  • I do not tolerate negative remarks about physical appearance.

  • I check literature and other published materials used in my Childminding service to ensure that they are inclusive and so not promote stereotyping.

  • I consult with parents so that my Childminding service can incorporate cultural diversity.

  • I accommodate any reasonable request for cultural, religious or dietary requirements.

  • I review my practice regularly to evaluate and update this policy.

7.0      Child Well-being & Development

I am committed to developing a child centred, play based environment.

I will provide appropriate, timely, balanced intervention as well as support, continuity and progression to encourage positive attitudes towards learning.

I also recognise that the establishment of daily routines is essential for all young children.

All this will be carried out in line with the guidance provided by Aistear and Síolta.

Aistear is the National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Education (0-6 years) in Ireland and gives my guidance for the activities that I carry out with the children.

Síolta is the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education in Ireland and provides me with quality standards guidance.

8.0      Code of Behaviour

I treat all the children in my service with empathy and respect, equally and fairly and expect the children to do the same both regarding other children and me.

I do not show favouritism, and I never use demeaning language or corporal punishment to manage children’s behaviour.

I work in partnership with parents in supporting children’s positive behaviour and managing challenging behaviour.

I will attend regular behaviour support training as far as possible to ensure I am aware of any updates and new positive strategies.

8.1      Positive Behaviour Policy & Procedure

It is my policy to manage children’s behaviour in a positive way primarily by building rapport with the child/ren.

This encourages appropriate behaviour for the age and stage of each child and promotes self-esteem, respect for others, harmony and co-operation.

I promote positive behaviour by:

  • Providing positive attention by playing, listening and talking to your child to foster your child’s self-esteem.

  • Providing activities that help children to develop safe ways of dealing with anger and other strong feelings.

  • Setting, explaining and maintaining clear, reasonable and consistent limits so that children can feel safe and secure in their play and other activities.

  • Reducing incidents of frustration and conflict by keeping routines familiar, predictable, but flexible enough so that your child can pursue their interests. I will provide routines.

  • Affirming positive behaviour but not using praise since praise is detrimental to children's development in many ways.  

  • Ignoring inappropriate behaviour if it is not harming them, others or property.

  • Distracting your child, so as to encourage positive behaviour.

  • Sharing strategies with parents and/or carers to ensure a consistent approach which benefits the child. I share my positive behaviour policy with parent/guardian and discuss any behavioural issues with parent/guardian.

  • Providing a happy, secure environment, where children are encouraged to develop social skills to help them be accepted and welcome in society as they grow up.

  • Confidentiality will be maintained when addressing all behavioural issues.

8.2      Managing Challenging Behaviour

I understand that the indoor, outdoor and emotional environment will affect the way children behave.

If children are bored, over excited or anxious their behaviour will change.

I recognise that when children have consistent boundaries for behaviour, it helps them feel confident as they learn what is and is not acceptable.

I have undertaken training in child development to understand children's behaviour.

I have also undertaken training in managing challenging behaviour in children.

  • I ensure that children’s behaviour is managed in a suitable manner and that where younger children are cared for alongside children who are older, the behaviour of the younger children does not have a negative effect on the older children or vice versa.

  • Physical intervention is only used to manage a child’s behaviour for the purpose of averting immediate danger of personal injury to any person or the child or to help the child.

  • I never give corporal punishment to a child, nor threaten corporal punishment, or any punishment which could adversely affect a child’s well-being.

  • I ensure that I am a positive role model. Children learn values and behaviour from adults.

I use appropriate strategies depending on the age, developmental stage and individual needs of your child, by

  • Taking a consistent approach to challenging behaviour such as biting or scratching. Challenging the behaviour, not the child.

  • Helping children to learn and understand how to manage their feelings. When children know that their feelings are acknowledged they learn to express them, confident that I will help them with how they are feeling.

  • Helping children understand how to behave outdoors and inside by talking about personal safety, risks and the safety of others.

  • Intervening in play if it is racist, sexist or in any way offensive, unsafe, violent or bullying.
9.0      Policy for Partnership with Parents

I am committed to working in partnership with the parents or guardians of all children in my care; however, if I find it impossible to work with a parent or parents to the best outcomes for their child(ren), I reserve the right to refuse to mind their child(ren).

I am committed to ongoing open communication with parents, will be respectful of their wishes as far as they are in the best interest of the children in my care (remember this is a child-centred service) and will provide a scheduled time, without children present, for updates and discussions.

I give careful consideration to concerns raised by a parent/guardian.

I explain to parents/guardians that my childminding service is child-centred and that the children's needs are paramount referring them to Dr. Thomas Gordon's book PET or the works of Dr. Carl Rogers for my definition of child-centredness.

I provide parents with the information required by the Child Care (Pre-school Services Regulations) and implement the National Guidelines for Childminders.

If necessary, individual work, development, and behaviour manangement plans for a child will be agreed with parents.
10.0    Premises and Facilities

My home is a safe place for children, with adequate space, toys, books and play materials.

All Childcare equipment e.g. buggies, cots, stair gates and toys are in good repair and safe for use.

All cleaning chemicals and unsafe, toxic, dangerous or hazardous materials, substances or equipment are appropriately used and stored out of reach of children.

We keep the following family pets and farm animals: dogs, cats, guinea pigs, Syrian hamsters, dwarf hamsters, ferrets, various kinds of chickens, Muscovy ducks, runner ducks, Welsh harlequin ducks, geese, guinea fowl, turkeys, canaries, Genovese finches, zebra finches, diamond doves, Japanese quail, Chinese quail, various kinds of pigeons, chinchillas, goats, horses, and bees.

I will advise parent/guardian of my practices concerning animals on demand.

10.1    Facilities

My home has adequate lighting and heating in the play areas with appropriate servicing, ventilation and guards where necessary.

Our water supply is mains water.

Toilet facilities are child friendly, safe and hygienically maintained.

Suitable and effective means of drainage and on-going waste disposal are provided to the premises.

All bins are regularly emptied.

10.2    Facilities for Rest and Play

I provide adequate and suitable facilities for a pre-school child to rest during the day and night (if an overnight pre-school service is provided).

Babies will sleep in a cot with a CE approved mattress.

My service includes adequate and suitable facilities for a pre-school child to play indoors and outdoors during the day, having regard to the number of pre-school children attending the service, their age and the amount of time they spend in my home.

Parents are asked to supply suitable clothes and if applicable spare clothes for the children.

10.3    Internet Usage Policy

As a childminder I occasionally offer children the opportunity to use the computer and/or the world wide web.

I am aware of the need to limit the time children spend on computers and will develop strategies to ensure that they spend a balance of time engaged in ICT and other activities.

In practice this means that children in my service are not usually allowed to use the computer since I believe it is harmful for them to be sitting still for long periods of time.

However, I occasionally allow them to use an old-fashioned educational computer program e.g. to learn maths or physics or play a DVD.

I also occasionally show them video clips on Youtube but only under supervision, e.g. we have looked at sheepdog trials or other topical things that came up in discussions.

I would not let them watch music videos or just random clips on Youtube or anywhere else on the world wide web.

I have a range of procedures to ensure their safety.

  • I have a filter on my computer that blocks out inappropriate material.
  • I do not permit the children to go onto chat rooms.
  • I do not permit the children to use email.
  • I talk to the children about the websites they are using when they are not in my service.
  • I am always nearby to ensure that they do not change websites while, e.g. watching a video clip.
  • I discuss with the children about the importance of keeping safe on line, not forwarding on chain letters, not talking to people they don’t know, not giving out personal information that could enable people to identify them, to tell me if they are worried about anything and to never arrange to meet anyone they have spoken to online.
  • The children are not allowed to use the webcam.

I do not allow the use of smartphones, tablets or other hand-held electronic devices.

I do not allow the use of Wifi. Our Wifi is permanently switched off since we don't use Wifi in our house and I believe Wifi exposure to be harmful.
10.4    Photographs & Social Media

No photographs/video or audio recordings are ever taken or posted on social media with parents’ permission.

  • I only take photographs/videos with the permission of parents, and only share these with parents in my service.

  • I never post photographs/recordings of children I mind on social media.

  • I do not permit the children to be in group photos/recordings on outings (such as a Parent & Toddler group) unless I have received written consent from parents.

10.5    Visitors

Only visitors whom I know personally will be allowed into the service; however, I might occasionally have a crafts person or handy man there if necessary and we get courier services regularly.

  • Parents are informed of any regular visitors to the service, and where feasible, they may meet them. I don't usually have any regular visitors.

  • If an unknown long-term visitor is due, the parents will be informed ahead of time as far as practicable; however, visitors are not allowed unsupervised access to the minded children.

11.0    Health & Safety Policy

I take all reasonable measures to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of the children attending my service.

I am committed to ensuring the safety of all children in my care.

I strive to keep up to date with all relevant health & safety legislation.

I have conducted a risk assessment of my home and I regularly review it.

My home has been visited by the (now former) Childminding Advisory Officer of the (now former) Waterford County Childcare Committee to help me with risk assessment for childminding and on other occasions..

I have also had a site visit by my High Scope advisor with regards to the suitability of my home for childminding.

I have had other home visits, e.g. from the Childminding Ireland Síolta Advisor and the Waterford County Childcare Committee Síolta Advisor.

11.1    Health & Safety Procedures

  • I carry out regular risk assessments of my home and equipment and take remedial action as required.

  • I change the layout of the play areas and the accessability of toys depending on the ages and maturity of the children in my care when new children come in.

  • My house is a no smoking area.

  • Medicines are kept in their original containers and stored out of sight and reach of children.

  • I use safety gates where necessary.

  • I only purchase or use safe toys and broken toys are disposed of.

  • I take care that children in my care do not climb out of windows.

  • Any window blind cords will be properly secured out of reach of the children.

  • Children are not allowed unsupervised access to pets; however children will always try to create opportunities for unsupervised access to pets (e.g. by letting the cats into the house) so our cats and dogs have been raised to be very child-friendly and as child-proof as cats and dogs will be.

  • My clothes line is out of reach of children. Children have no unsupervised access to it.

  • Sheds are only accessible to the children under supervision, i.e. they are not allowed in the sheds on their own.

  • Gates to the fields and the back gate are closed at all times. I keep a lock on the back gate that goes out onto the borraheen behind our house.

  • My swing frame, my trampoline, and my see-saw are firmly secured to the ground.

  • I practice and promote effective hand-washing in my service, and encourage the minded children wash their hands before and after handling food, after playing outside, after touching animals, and after going to the toilet; however, I cannot always check whether children (especially the older ones) have actually washed their hands or just pretend to have done so.

  • Each child has his/her own towels (each 1 in the kitchen and 1 in the bathroom) and I wash them every week.

  • I maintain a high level of cleanliness in my Childminding service. I don't use dangerous cleaning products.

  • My garden/outdoor play area is safe and appropriate for the ages/stages of the children.

  • The outdoor play area available to minded children is enclosed, i. e. the play ground is not fenced in as such but there is a fence between the playground and the garden areas. The house side of the playground is open and there is free access to the front lawn; however, our whole property is fenced in.

  • The children will have no unsupervised access to ponds, pits and other hazards in the garden. We have no silage pit, our septic tank is completely underground with no opening, and our ponds are enclosed.

  • All reasonable steps are taken to prevent the spread of infection including the use of disposable gloves when changing nappies. I also use a special odor-preventing nappy bucket that is separate from the normal bin in the bathroom.

  • All but routine outings are planned carefully and discussed with parent/guardian in advance. Routine outings such as shopping trips, trips to the library, parent & toddler meetings, trips to local playgrounds or beaches can happen spontaneously and are not necessarily previously discussed.

  • Children will only have access to hot water of a safe temperature.

  • I am insured for the protection of the children in the case of an accident.

  • When not in use I use safety socket covers for electrical sockets within reach of the children.

  • Children are transported in my car in line with current legislation and best practice. Each child has a suitable child restraint. I have taken out additional motor insurance to cover the children in my childminding service.

11.2    First Aid

There is a suitably equipped first aid-box on the premises.

I have an up to date Paediatric first aid certificate in my home that is available for inspection at any time.

I have an up to date First Aid Responder Certificate in my home that is available for inspection at any time.

11.3    Accidents & Incidents Procedure

·         I deal with minor accidents/incidents within my service.

·         In the event of a serious accident/incident, a parent/guardian and the doctor or the emergency services will be phoned.

·         Depending on the circumstances, the back-up person may be called in to assist or provide cover.

·         In line with record keeping requirements, all accidents/incidents will be recorded on an accident/incident form.

11.4    Policy on Infection Control

In order to prevent the spread of infectious illness a child who has been vomiting during the night should stay at home until well again.

Parents should let me know if their child has an infectious illness before arrival in the morning.

11.5    Illness Exclusion Policy  

Children with the following infectious illnesses are required to be excluded from Childminding services until the infection is no longer contagious:

·         Measles (7 days)

·         German Measles (4 days)

·         Mumps (9 days from appearance of swelling)

·         Whooping Cough (21 days after cough)

·         Chicken Pox (6 days from appearance of rash)

·         Conjunctivitis (until treated and clear)

·         Impetigo (until skin is completely clear)

·         Ringworm (until treated)

·         Scabies (until treatment is under way)

·         Head Lice (until treatment has commenced)

11.6    Protocol for dealing with a case of suspected/confirmed Meningitis

1. If a child in my care is displaying any of the signs/symptoms of meningitis I would seek urgent medical attention and inform the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

2. If there is a case of meningitis in my service, parents will be advised that all cases of meningitis are notified to the local department of Public Health (by the doctor - GP or hospital doctor - who diagnoses the illness, or the manager of the laboratory that detects meningitis in a lab test), who will carry out an investigation and treatment if required. It is essential to maintain confidentiality in relation to the sick child. Parents will also be made aware of the symptoms of the illness.

Further information is available on:
The Meningitis Trust website

3. As meningitis is a seasonal illness parents are reminded about symptoms every spring and autumn.

4. The incident is appropriately recorded in my Incident book.

5. I will Inform my insurers, Kidd Insurances, phone number 01 207 9400.

6. If my service experienced a cluster/outbreak of two or more cases of any infectious disease. I would contact the local Department of Public Health for advice.

11.7    Nappy Changing Policy

I provide a safe and clean environment to facilitate nappy changing.

I will carry out the nappy changing routine in a calm and unhurried way and use this time for one to one individual interaction with the child.

I will work in partnership with parents to agree a toilet training routine when their child is developmentally ready to make this step.

11.8    Nappy Changing Procedure

·         Safety approved nappy changing facilities are provided.

·         Children are checked regularly throughout the day and are changed immediately as required.

·         Parents supply all nappies, cotton wool or wipes and barrier creams for their own child and these supplies are labelled appropriately. I have separate containers where I keep all the neppy changing related items belonging to each child.

·         I use disposable gloves when changing nappies.

·         The changing area is cleaned before and after each use.

·         Soiled nappies and wipes are put into a plastic bag in a sealed bin that is emptied regularly.

·         I check to ensure that the child’s clothing is dry and any wet or soiled clothing is changed.

·         A child is never left alone or unsupervised in the changing area. (This goes for children who are not able to use the toilet on their own since the changing area is located in the bathroom.)

·         Any incidents of nappy rash are treated appropriately and discussed with parents.

·         Nappy sacks are a choking/smothering hazard and are kept out of reach of children.

11.9    Safe Sleep Policy

I provide suitable and safe sleeping facilities away from the general play area for all babies and children less than 2 years of age.

An adequate supply of clean bed linen is provided to ensure that each child has their own linen. A cot, mattress and bedding are provided which comply with fire safety requirements.

The sleep area is sufficient to facilitate the individual sleep requirements of each child.

I liaise with parents/guardians in relation to children’s sleep patterns/needs to ensure that each child’s individual need for sleep or rest is facilitated.  

My sleep policy and procedure is informed by the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, and the Irish Sudden Infant Death Association’s (ISIDA) leaflet with advice on sleeping positions, ‘Caring for your child’.

11.10 Safe Sleep Procedure

·         Babies will always be put to sleep on their backs with their feet to the foot of the cot.

·         A cotton cellular blanket is placed loosely but securely under the child’s arms which cannot normally slip over the child’s head; however, some children wriggle excessively and can get everything over their heads.

·         Children are allowed to sleep or rest when they are tired and not at designated times.

·         No toys, stuffed animals, pillows, cot bumpers or other loose bedding will be used in the cot and where soothers are used they are never attached by strings or cords

·         The optimum room temperature is between 15 - 18 degrees Celsius.

·         Visual sleep checks are made regularly.

·         No cot is directly adjacent to a heater, curtains or anything that might pose a risk to the child and sufficient space is allotted to allow access to each child and to reduce the risk of infection.

·         Lighting via windows and light fixtures is controlled to maintain a subdued lighting level conducive to sleep while also allowing sleeping children to be monitored.

·         Where an overnight service is provided a sleep monitor will be used and occasional checks will be carried out.

11.11 Vaccination

Parents must advise me of the status of vaccination for children applying to my service and of the schedule of vaccinations due to their children while in my service.

11.12 Administration of Medication Procedure

·         I require permission to summon medical assistance promptly in an emergency. Please see child record form, by signing this Policies and Procedures form permission is granted.

A protocol is in place for the administration of medication:

·         I will administer teething gels and temperature control medication (e.g. Calpol/Paralink), and antibiotics, only with the written permission of a parent/guardian.

·         I will require parent/guardian to supply appropriate training in order to safely administer inhalers/nebulisers or EpiPens.

12.0    Fire Safety Policy

  • I am committed to minimising all risk of fire in my service.

  • I have an emergency plan in place and I review my procedure yearly.

  • I have a fire blanket beside my cooker.

  • I use fire guards around my fires. I don't have open fireplaces anymore since I had fireplace inserts installed.

  • I have smoke detectors in the play room, the dining room, and the utility room as well as on the landing and combined smoke & carbon monoxide detectors in each of the four bedrooms of my house (this includes the children's sleeping area) and the small hall at the back of my house.

  • I have powder and C02 Fire extinguishers on the bottom floor that are out of reach of the children.

  • I have successfully completed a Fire Safety, Prevention and Evacuation course offering practical experience of fire tackling techniques, awareness of fire fighting equipment, and practical advice on evacuation procedures.

12.1    Fire Safety Procedures

·         Escape routes are rehearsed at least quarterly.

·         I carry out monthly fire drills with the children.

·         The fire-fighting equipment and smoke alarms in the premises are appropriate supplied and maintained.

·         When not in use, I use safety sockets covers for electrical sockets within reach of children.

·         I have a Fire Blanket beside my cooker.

·         I will clearly display a notice of the fire evacuation procedures to be followed in the event of fire.

·         My cooker is kept clean and clear from grease.

·         My cooker is turned off at the mains when not in use.

·         Electrical appliances are turned off and unplugged when not in use.

·         Electrical sockets are never overloaded.

·         Our fireplaces have fire guards. We don't have open fires anymore but the fireplace inserts are closed off by fire guards.

·         I never drape clothes near an open fire or cooker.

·         I clean my chimneys once a year.

·         I do not use portable heaters unless the central heating fails.

·         I only light candles occasionally and under supervision, e.g. birthday cake candles, when children are in my care.

13.0    Child Safeguarding Statement & Child Protection Policy

I am committed to ensuring best practice in relation to the protection, safety and welfare of the children in my care.

The welfare of the children is paramount and my practice is always child-centred, upholding the rights of every child and young person to be kept safe and protected from harm, listened to, and heard.

  • My policy and procedures to safeguard children and young people reflect national policy and legislation and are underpinned by Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Tusla Children First - Child Safeguarding Guide 2017, and the Children First Act 2015.

  • I have completed a risk assessment for child protection and updated my policies in line with the above.

  • My emergency back-up person has signed up to and abides by these policies, procedures and guidance.

  • I will review my child safeguarding statement and accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures every year, or sooner if necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national policy.

  • I am the Designated Liaison Person for Child Protection for my service, and the Relevant Person for this Child Safeguarding Statement.

13.1    Garda Vetting

Both I and my back-up person(s) have Garda Vetting, as do any adults over 18 years, who are living in the home, i.e. my husband and all three of my children .

Garda Vetting will be renewed every three years for all concerned in line with best practice.

All the Garda vetting forms for me and my family members are available for inspection by parents/guardians or potential parents/guardians of children in my care on demand.

13.2    Procedures for Responding to a Child’s Disclosure of Abuse

If a child alleges that he or she is being harmed or is at risk of harm from a parent/carer or any other person:

  • I would listen carefully and supportively

  • Be as calm and natural as possible.

  • I would be careful when asking questions. Questions would be supportive and for the purpose of clarification. I would avoid leading questions.

  • I would avoid expressing any judgement.

At the earliest possible opportunity:

  • I would record in writing what the child has said, including as far as possible, the exact words utilised by the child.

  • I will always maintain appropriate confidentiality.

13.3   Procedure for Reporting Child Protection Concerns

If there are reasonable grounds for concern, I will report the concern to TÚSLA.

As I am not Túsla registered according to current statutory law I am not a mandated person.

However, I will report every concern above the defined threshold, and assist in any Tusla child protection investigation on request.

The following examples would constitute reasonable grounds for concern:

·         a specific indication from a child that (s)he was abused;

·         a statement from a person who witnessed abuse;

·         an illness, injury or behaviour consistent with abuse;

·         a symptom which may not in itself be totally consistent with abuse, but which is supported by corroborative evidence of deliberate harm or negligence;

·         Consistent signs of neglect over a period of time.
This also applies if a parent/carer or any other person discloses that he or she has harmed or is at risk of harming a child.

13.4    Reporting Procedure: (to TÚSLA)

If there is reason to be concerned about a child in relation to a suspicion of abuse, I will take the following steps:

·         Record the concern or suspicion of abuse, to discuss with the parents/carers unless that could endanger the child.

·         Observe and keep a record if there are any further causes of concern.

·         Ring the local duty social worker for an informal consultation and advice: New numbers are available here:

·         If so advised, make a formal report to the duty social worker.

·         Where there is an immediate risk to the child and the duty social worker is uncontactable, I would contact the local Garda station in Aglish, Tel no: 024 - 96122

14.0    Food & Nutrition Policy

I promote healthy eating with Children in line with guidelines issued by the Dept. Health and Dept. of Children and Youth Affairs and in consultation with children and their parent/guardian.

I am aware of the revised food pyramid that was published in December 2016 and I work from it for children from 5 years up.

I select food for younger children, i.e. under 5s in accordance with the Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Pre-school Services.

I provide a range of food from each food group.

I do not provide sweets except for, occasionally, home baked cakes or biscuits.

I pay due attention to hygiene and safety in the purchase, storage, preparation, cooking and serving of all food.

There are adequate and suitable eating utensils, hand washing, wash-up and sterilising facilities provided.

My own cooking is mainly whole foods.

I am willing to co-operate with parent/guardian with regard to any specific dietary requirements.

I do not give children desserts if they do not make an honest attempt to eat the main course (because this would modify the children's behaviour into NEVER eating the main course).

I serve food provided by parent/guardian in line with their instructions as long as they conform with food safety regulations.

Unless parents insist I only serve milk with snacks since the calcium in the milk is needed to metabolise sugar; however I do not usually serve milk with main meals since milk inhibits the body's iron uptake. Milk is also very filling and more food than drink so children don't get hungry when they drink too much milk.

14.1    Food & Nutrition Procedure

  • I shop regularly to ensure a supply a fresh of nutritionally balanced meals and snacks.

  • I store, prepare, cook and serve food appropriately.

  • The temperature of my refrigerator is no higher than 5 degrees Celsius.

  • I pay special attention to age/stage appropriateness and specific dietary requirements, usually working from the Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Pre-school services.

  • I consult with parent/guardian and children as to food preferences; however, I must serve nutritionally balanced meals and will NOT serve children very restricted diets unless this is prescribed by a doctor on account of a medical condition. In the latter case I demand a written statement from the child's doctor regarding the child's diet.

  • I provide parent/guardian with information on the food offered and a menu describing the main meal each day.

  • I provide drinking water at all times.

  • I include nutrition in discussion with parent/guardian and also raise any concerns immediately if necessary.

  • I do not serve ketchup as it is prohibited. (Pre-school services must not have ketchup on the premises when inspected.)

  • I am not allowed to serve nuts or popcorn because they are choking hazards.

  • I undertake training in food and nutrition: I have done nutrition courses among others with Dr. Anne Marie Tully, senior dietician with the Health Promotion Unit of the Health Service Executive as well as both Basic and Primary Food Hygiene courses and have an Honours Certificate in Food Hygiene from the Environmental Health Officers Association. I have completed a Basic Food Handlers course that covered the HACCP principles, and I did the Environmental Health Officers' Association's Primary Course in the principles and practices of Food Safety that I passed with distinction. Moreover, I have various lectures about nutrition and I have read extensively on the subject.

  • I encourage parents/guardians to discuss any food issues with me.

15.0    Record Keeping

In keeping with the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, I keep a record of the following details about your child:

·         The name and date of birth of the child,

·         The date on which the child first attended the service,

·         The date on which the child ceased to attend the service,

·         The name and address of a parent/guardian of the child and, a telephone number where that parent/guardian or a relative or friend of the child can be contacted,

·         Authorisation for the collection of the child by any other individuals,

·         Details of any illness, disability, allergy or special need of the child, together with all notes relevant to the provision of special care or attention,

·         The name and telephone number of the child’s general practitioner,

·         Record of immunisations, if any, received by the child, and

·         Written consent from a parent/guardian for appropriate medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

15.1    Other Records:

My Childminding qualifications and experience includes a Major Award in Early Childhood Care and Education at Level 5 on the National Qualifications Framework or equivalent. I passed all the modules for the award with distinction.

I qualified as a Parent Effectiveness Trainer with the internationally recognised PET programme.

I have an Honours Degree in Psychology.

I did three years of Pedagogy as a Leaving Cert subject.

I also completed a wide range of childcare related courses in all areas of childcare. Please consult my qualifications pages for details.

I show all my certs to new parents/guardians when they come to talk to me. They are also available any time on request.

·         Proof of Garda vetting,

·         Details of the maximum number of pre-school children catered for at any one time,

·         Details of the type of service and age range group,

·         The opening hours and fees,

·         Policies and Procedures of the service,

·         Details of attendance by a pre-school child on a daily basis,

·         Details of any medicine administered to a pre-school child attending the service with signed parent/guardian consent,

·         Details of any accident/incident involving a pre-school child attending the service

15.2    Information for Parent/Guardian

Any record I keep on your child will be available for your inspection.

I will keep a copy of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 available on the premises.

16.0    Insurance

I am a member of Childminding Ireland, so I am insured to mind up to 6 children (of which no more than 5 can be pre-school children).

Under my insurance, the outings ratio is 1 adult to 5 children.

I have notified my motor insurers that I am childminding.

My insurance certificate and policy are available for inspection on request.

17.0 Transport Policy

As a Childminder, there will be times I will be transporting children in my car or on public transport. In order to ensure the safety of the children and myself, I have the following procedures in place:

  • I obtain parents’ permission in the Childminding contract to take children on outings.

  • I hold a current driving license.

  • My car is fully taxed and insured for business purposes.

  • I have car seats appropriate to each child which they must use at all times. These meet European standards and are correctly fitted and checked regularly.

  • Where public transport vehicles have seat belts, these will be used.

  • If it is necessary for me to use a taxi to transport the children, only registered taxi firms will be used.

  • Children will never be left unattended in the car at any time. The one exception is when I have a pre-school collection in Villierstown Montessori school and school children in the car since taking school children inside is not feasible.

18.0    Confidentiality Policy

All information on children and their families is regarded as confidential.

I will not discuss anything told to me, in confidence, with anyone else, unless the information given is related to a Child Protection issue.

I reserve the right to defend myself against any form of slander, calumny or unjust rumour.

I will warn other childminders of parents who have outstanding debts with me.

I maintain confidentiality by not discussing inappropriately any privileged personal information regarding any child or family using my childminding service.

I maintain information/records relating to each individual child in line with the requirements of data protection and freedom of information legislation.

I actively discourage gossip on the part of parents or children in my childminding service.

Persons providing back-up care in this service are informed of this policy.

18.1    Confidentiality Procedure

  • I operate a policy of open access and as a parent you have the right to see your child’s file.

  • You do not however have the right to see any other child’s file.

  • Information will only be shared if the parent gives permission or there appears to be a Child Protection issue.

  • All details will be kept confidential and records are kept in a safe place.

19.0    Complaints Policy

I aim to work in close partnership with all parents, to meet the needs of their children.

I am committed to providing parents and children with a happy, high-quality childminding service.

In the unlikely event of a complaint, I will respond within a specified timeframe and in as objective a manner as possible.

Confidentiality will be maintained appropriately.

A person making a complaint will be afforded privacy to do so and will be advised of the complaints procedure.

Complainants will not be penalised as a result of making a complaint.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with promptly and effectively.

19.1    Complaints Procedure  

How to make a complaint:

Step 1: If there is any aspect of my service you are not happy with, please bring it to my attention and I will make every effort to resolve the issue, through frank and open discussion. You can put the complaint to me verbally or, if you prefer, formally in writing, or by email.

Step 2: If you as a parent/guardian remain unsatisfied then a formal written complaint by letter should be made and addressed to me marked Personal and stating clearly:

  • That a complaint is being made
  • The basis of the complaint
  • The follow up/action that is envisaged as a result of the complaint

Following a written complaint, an investigation of the circumstances that gave rise to the complaint will be undertaken by me.

All reasonable steps will be taken by me in order to bring about a resolution that is satisfactory to both parties.

The complainant will be advised of any steps taken by me to resolve the problem without undue delay.

I will keep a written record of all complaints and their outcome for at least two years.

If the complaint cannot be resolved, or if the complaint is of a serious nature and you feel you cannot discuss it with me, you should visit Túsla Early Years Inspectorate website for further information.

20.0    Outings Policy

My Childminding service is underpinned by the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, Síolta the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education, 2006 and Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, 2009.  

In line with these, I will endeavour to organise outings to promote the needs, well-being and interests of the children.

Outings offer children valuable fresh air, exercise and opportunities for the development of their physical skills as well as experiencing with their surrounding environment in the local community and to explore new situations.

All children should have access to the outdoors on a daily basis.

20.1    Outings Procedure

·         I obtain and keep records of written parental permission for children to take part in regular, local outings whilst in my care and specific written permission for a longer or more involved outing.

·         Parents/Carers are made aware that local trips are taken regularly e.g. to the playground, park, beach, library, parent and toddler meeting and prior information about outings out of the local area is given to all parents.

  • Parents/Carers are encouraged to be involved in special outings where possible. I will ensure that appropriate adult/child ratios are adhered to, 1 adult to every two/three children for children under five years of age.

  • I will carry out a risk assessment to identify any potential hazards on the journey or at the location.

  • Outings are covered by my insurance policy and I keep records for inspection of any vehicles in which children are transported, including insurance details and a list of named drivers.

  • My car is kept in roadworthy condition, with NCT, breakdown cover, tyre pressure regularly checked and age appropriate car safety seats.

  • I endeavour to ensure that any other driver transporting children in their own vehicle has adequate insurance cover.

  • In all trips in the car, I will ensure each child is securely strapped into their car seat and that the maximum number of passengers for the car is never exceeded.

  • I will never leave your child unattended when out, especially in the car; however, school children might have to weight in the car during pre-school collections from Villierstown Montessori school.

  • I take essential records and equipment for each child on outings as necessary, a first-aid kit and a mobile telephone, with parent/carer’s contact numbers in the phone.

  • I aim to keep all children within sight or hearing at all times to prevent them becoming lost. In the unlikely event of a child becoming lost, I will follow our lost child policy which I share with parents/carers and this policy also links with my accident and emergency procedures.

  • When using a bus, we wait on the pavement back from the kerb and children are not permitted to get on or off the bus until it has stopped moving.

  • Children are reminded of how to remain safe if standing near the water’s edge, e.g. if feeding ducks.

  • I usually carry a contact card for each pre-school child, with their name and an emergency contact name and number and explaining that I am a Childminder.

21.0    Lost Child Policy

The care of your child is paramount, and I always have plans and risk assessments in place to ensure that they remain with me and are safe.

However, on rare occasions children can become ‘lost’ in busy places, and therefore as a responsible Childminder, I have written a procedure that will be followed in the unlikely event of this happening.

21.1    Lost Child Procedure

·         I will check the immediate vicinity.

·         I will ensure all the other children are accounted for.

·         I will immediately raise the alarm to all around me that I have lost a child and enlist the help of everyone to look for them.

·         In a secure area such as a shopping centre, I will quickly alert the security staff so they can seal off exits and monitor the situation on any CCTV.

·         I will provide everyone involved in the search with a description of the child.

·         I will reassure the other children with me, as they may be distressed.

·         I will alert the Gardaí and provide a full description of the child and circumstances of the incident.

·         I will then alert the parents/carers, or if they are not contactable, their emergency contacts and advise them of the situation.

Risk Avoidance

I take precautions to avoid situations like this happening by implementing the following measures:

  • I will follow the recommended adult to child ratio, if needed I will have another adult with me.

  • A risk assessment is carried out prior to the outing as is outlined in my outings policy.

  • Ensuring the children hold my hand or the pushchair whilst we are out.

  • I will not allow children wander off or leave my immediate space (including to use toilet facilities) without accompanying them.

  • I never leave children unattended in a vehicle, outside shops, school gates or in the playground etc.

  • Children are not permitted to leave my home without myself, their parent/carer or authorised person to collect them.

  • I will avoid going to places that are overcrowded.

  • I will agree a clearly visible/accessible meeting point with children over 5 years of age who can understand clear instruction and remind them of it intermittently during the outing, or

  • Children are given safety advice as appropriate for their age, and a meeting point is agreed should they get separated from the group.

  • On outings the children wear a wristband or safety vest with my name, address and mobile number and details of GP and told to show an appropriate adult if separated.

  • All children are accounted for during the day and their arrival and departure time is marked in the register and I make regular head counts.

  • When attending toddler groups I will ensure that all of the children are signed in and out correctly.

  • I teach the children about the dangers of wandering off alone and of talking to strangers and where/who to go to if separated.

  • I have circulated to all parents a copy of this policy, contained in my policy and procedure document.

Parental Consent

It is essential that parents/guardians of the children I mind are familiar with my policies and procedures and have no objections to them.

I expect them to relate relevant parts to their children, especially to school children who are old enough to understand them.

It is also vital for parents to understand that thes policies and procedures were developed with pre-school children in mind and that not all parts are 100% applicable to school children, especially older ones.

The giving of consent takes the following form:

I have read, understand and agree to the above Policies and Procedures.
Parent_______________________________________       Date_____________________
Childminder___________________________________      Date______________________

Last updated 06/04/2022
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