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Outside Time

Outside time is also very important in High Scope. Whenever the weather allows children go out every day. This means unless it is very stormy, or dangerously icy we usually go outside.

Our regular outdoor time is in the morning (because I find the weather is usually better in the mornings) and lasts for about an hour.

Of course Plan-Do-Review, small group time, and large group time can also be done outside. However, there is always this special outdoor time set aside for doing regular outdoor activities.

This gives the children the opportunity to experience the weather, cold, warmth, rain, wind, the seasons, nature.........

If you ask adults where they best loved to play themselves as children about 98% of adults will name a place outside. This says it all. By nature children prefer playing outside to playing inside.

However, it takes careful design of outside play areas. I am continually working on this and have some great new things planned for this summer.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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