Services Provided
I provide the following services:
Full Day Care - Your child is with me for eight or more hours per day for five days a week
Part Time Care - Your child is with me for four to eight hours a day and is not in every day OR Your child is with me for eight or more hours per day for fewer than five days a week
Sessional Care - You occasionally drop your child into me for a few hours
Before School Service
This means you drop off your child(ren) at my house in the morning and I will look after them until it is time to go to school. I will then drive them to school. In the case of an emergency, another garda vetted adult who works with me might have to drive them to school. Please note that I can only provide this service for Aglish National School, Villierstown NS, and Whitechurch NS.
If the children need breakfast in the morning I can arrange for them to have it at my house. However, they can also have breakfast at home before they come in. Please advise me of what you would like.
Please note that I do not provide school lunches. So make sure the children have their packed lunches for school before they come into my service.
After School Service
I can collect your child(ren) from school at two or three o'clock. Please advise me of what school your child attends and at what time s/he is finished. Moreover, I need for you to make sure the school knows I will be collecting your child. It would be good if you could also notify the school that another garda vetted adult whom the children know might be collecting the child in case of an emergency preventing me from collecting the child. (In that case I would contact the school and send a signed note with the person collecting.) Please note that I can only provide this service for Aglish National School, Villierstown NS, Clashmore NS, Ballycurrane NS, and Whitechurch NS.
If I have pre-school age children in my care, I will do pre-school activities with them as part of our daily routine.
However, if you would like to send in your child just for the pre-school part of the morning, you are welcome to do this.