Parent High Scope Workshop Themes
There are 30 different High Scope parent workshops altogether. They take about an hour each. If you are interested in any of the workshops below you can contact me to find out more about them.
I am offering the following workshops free of charge for parents of children I currently mind. You may bring other interested people such as relatives or friends to the workshops. Workshop participants need to work in pairs or small groups.
Parent Workshop Objectives
These workshops are not intended to be used to "fix" whatever I feel parents might be doing "wrong" at home. These workshops are based on active participation and my role as a presenter is to offer information about the topic being considered in relation the the educational approach I use with the children. Your role is to react to and apply the ideas in ways that make sense to you. I acknowledge that I expect occasions when parents may not agree with the information shared by me or by other participants, however, I also expect the group will agree on some guidelines for handling lively debates and differences of opinion. In particular I ask participants to stick to the following three guidelines:
Listen without interrupting until the other person is finished speaking
Agree to disagree on certain issues
Share what you feel comfortable sharing, and expect that the information will remain confidential.
Open-communication Policy
I have an open-communication policy. Participants will have opportunities to solve problems and to discuss ways to adapt or generalise the information presented to their own situations.
We can agree on a time that suits both you and me to do the workshop. Weekends or evenings are usually best for me.
I usually do the workshops at my house. However, it is necessary to work without interruption so the children must not attend the workshop. If you cannot find alternative childminding arrangements for the time of the workshop please let me know and I can ask my family whether they would be willing to mind the little ones for the duration of the workshop.
Parent Workshop Themes:
I. Active Learning
#1 What Is Active Learning?
#2 Making Choices at Home
#3 Math in the Preschool Years
#4 Key Experiences - Promoting Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Growth
#5 How Many Days Until...? Anticipating Special Events With Children
#6 Getting Beyond "What Did You Do at School Today?"
II. Daily Routine
#7 The High/Scope Preschool Daily Routine and How It Encourages Children's Decision Making
#8 The Importance of Consistent Routines
#9 Transitions - Smooth Sailing or Daily Struggle?
#10 Cleaning, Shopping, Laundry, Home Repairs, Cooking AND Playing With My Child?!
#11 Don't Be Surprised if Your Child Wants to Plan at Home on Saturdays
#12 Reading at Home (Choosing Reading Materials that will open your child's mind to new worlds and ideas)
III. Learning Environment
#13 Too Many Toys, Too Many Small Parts? Looking for Order in the Mess!
#14 Finding Noncommercial Active Learning Materials
#15 Using Classroom Interest Areas as Keys to Gift Buying (Toys for your child that aren't advertised on TV)
#16 The Value of Outdoor Play
#17 Bringing Outdoor Play Indoors - Creating an Atmosphere for Exuberant Play
#18 Understanding Children's Responsibilities Around the House
IV. Adult-Child Interaction
#19 Power Struggles at Home
#20 Understanding and Dealing Effectively With Children's Outbursts
#21 Solving Everyday Problems: Opportunities for Learning ("Help me! My coat's upside down!" Helping children solve problems without taking over the task yourself)
#22 Feeling Comfortable With Children's Social Bloopers
#23 Helping Children Resolve Social Conflicts
#24 Helping Children Cope With Childhood Losses
V. Special Topics
#25 Travelling With Children ("Are we there yet??" How you can make family travel enjoyable for you and your child)
#26 Are Open-Ended Toys Better Than Battery-Operated Ones?
#27 Seeing Children in a Positive Light
#28 Rules - Set in Stone or Open to Family Discussion?
#29 Presenting a United Front: Parental Teamwork
#30 When Other Adults Criticise Your Child