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Planning Time

Planning Time usually takes up to 10 minutes depending on the age(s) of the child(ren).

Planning Time is a formal time before work time and the first part of the Plan-Do-Review.

I sit down with the children and ask them what they are planning on doing during work time. Obviously, the younger the children, the less sophisticated the conversation. However, even with children under two years of age this activity is possible and well worth while doing. With the younger children I have to put more into the conversation, whereas the older the children, the more they take over the talking.

When I ask a 15 months old child ', What would you like to play with during work time today?', they will reply something like 'bocks'. I then repeat what they said saying something like ',You would like to play with the blocks today?'. This starts a conversation in which I formulate most of the sentences from the clues the children give me.

You can view video clip examples of Planning Time on the High Scope website. Please click on "Planning Time" in the category section on the right of the screen and then choose one of the links in the "Select an example" section under the small screen. Press on the arrow to play.

Among other things, this teaches them how to express their views, the language to do this with, and even more importantly that there is someone who is actually interested in them as individuals. Someone who cares what they think and what they like doing and finds their ideas important enough to listen to. This is a great boost to children's self confidence and hugely helps them to develop a positive self image as well as conversational skills.

This ties in with Síolta Standard 14 Identity and Belonging.

Obviously, planning time also develops and enhances children's planning skills, which will be very important later in life.

After planning time it's time for
Work Time.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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