Síolta Standards
How does Síolta work?
Síolta Principles are translated into practice through 16 Standards, which cover all aspects of the operation and management of out of home settings for children aged 0-6 years.
Full details on the 16 Standards are available on www.siolta.ie.
Standard 1: |
Ensuring that each child’s rights are met requires that she/he is enabled to exercise choice and to use initiative as an active participant and partner in her/his own development and learning. |
Standard 2: |
Enriching environments, both indoor and outdoor (including materials and equipment) are wellmaintained, safe, available, accessible, adaptable, developmentally appropriate, and offer a variety of challenging and stimulating experiences. |
Standard 3: |
Valuing and involving parents and families requires a proactive partnership approach evidenced by a range of clearly stated, accessible and implemented processes, policies and procedures. |
Standard 4: |
Ensuring inclusive decision-making requires consultation that promotes participation and seeks out, listens to and acts upon the views and opinions of children, parents and staff, and other stakeholders, as appropriate. |
Standard 5: |
Fostering constructive interactions (child/child, child/adult and adult/adult) requires explicit policies, procedures and practice that emphasise the value of process and are based on mutual respect, equal partnership and sensitivity. |
Standard 6: |
Promoting play requires that each child has ample time to engage in freely available and accessible, developmentally appropriate and well-resourced opportunities for exploration, creativity and ‘meaning making’ in the company of other children, with participating and supportive adults and alone, where appropriate. |
Standard 7: |
Encouraging each child’s holistic development and learning requires the implementation of a verifiable, broad-based, documented and flexible curriculum or programme. |
Standard 8: |
Enriching and informing all aspects of practice within the setting requires cycles of observation, planning, action and evaluation, undertaken on a regular basis. |
Standard 9: |
Promoting the health and welfare of the child requires protection from harm, provision of nutritious food, appropriate opportunities for rest, and secure relationships characterised by trust and respect. |
Standard 10: |
Organising and managing resources effectively requires an agreed written philosophy, supported by clearly communicated policies and procedures to guide and determine practice. |
Standard 11: |
Practising in a professional manner requires that individuals have skills, knowledge, values and attitudes appropriate to their role and responsibility within the setting. In addition, it requires regular reflection upon practice and engagement in supported, ongoing professional development. |
Standard 12: |
Communicating effectively in the best interests of the child requires policies, procedures and actions that promote the proactive sharing of knowledge and information among appropriate stakeholders, with respect and confidentiality. |
Standard 13: |
Ensuring continuity of experiences for children requires policies, procedures and practice that promote sensitive management of transitions, consistency in key relationships, liaison within and between settings, the keeping and transfer of relevant information (with parental consent), and the close involvement of parents and, where appropriate, relevant professionals. |
Standard 14: |
Promoting positive identities and a strong sense of belonging requires clearly defined policies, procedures and practice that empower every child and adult to develop a confident self- and groupidentity, and to have a positive understanding and regard for the identity and rights of others. |
Standard 15: |
Being compliant requires that all relevant regulations and legislative requirements are met or exceeded. |
Standard 16: |
Promoting community involvement requires the establishment of networks and connections evidenced by policies, procedures and actions which extend and support all adults’ and children’s engagement with the wider community. |