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Menu Plan

Menu Plan

My menu plans change every week. Since it is a bit tedious to update this page constantly I will publish the menu plans in the blog section that uploads faster.

There is an example of a three week menu plan for pre-schools on the HSE web site.

The children's meals follow roughly the following pattern. A variation of fruit, vegetables, carbohydrate dishes, and animal products is ensured across the days of the week and across weeks.




  • Diluted pure unsweetened fruit juice
  • Breakfast cereal

  • Bread or toast with monounsaturated/polyunsaturated spread, jam/marmelade

Mid-morning snack

  • Milk
  • Fruit or vegetables, occasionally crackers, fruit scone or cheese


  • Vegetables, potatoes/rice/pasta, meat/chicken/fish or vegetarian option
  • Water

Mid-afternoon snack

  • Milk
  • Fruit or vegetables, occasionally with fruit scone, yogurt or crackers


  • Sandwich, toast, omelette, pitta bread, soup with roll, pasta salad, wedges, etc. with vegetables or cheese (depending on what was served for lunch). Mostly without meat but can have ham, chicken, etc. if lunch was vegetarian.
  • Fruit pieces (fresh or tinned in natural juice)

  • Water

The above is what I go by for my childminding service.

If you are interested in what I think about foods please click here.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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