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Notice Board

Using the High Scope Noticeboard

I have a noticeboard on the wall that tells the children who will be present that day and about any unusual events that are planned. This is in picture  and word form.

Every child (and adult) in my setting has a symbol. My own symbol is a smiley face. Children learn to read the symbols first to get an idea of how reading works. For example if I write my name on a bottle and put a smiley next to it, the  children will know it's my bottle. If a picture of a gazelle is up on the noticeboard they will know that my daughter will be home that day, etc.

They can 'read' their own and others' symbols from the beginning and this competence makes them confident  about reading letters and words later on. After all reading is all about reading symbols - be they letters or pictures.

Moreover, they are really interested in the noticeboard and never forget to check it first thing in the morning to see what is going  on. I find it gives them security and facilitates planning as well as enhancing their early reading skills.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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