High Scope CORs
The High Scope Child Observation Records (CORs) are different for Infants and Toddlers and for Preschool Children because the children will be at different developmental stages.
For example whereas babies are only developing a 'sense of self' so it makes sense to record how far they have progressed in this, healthy preschool children have long developed their 'sense of self' so it would make no sense to look into this. It makes more sense to see how far their 'initiative' is developed.
A detailed explanation on how the High Scope COR categories below are used can be found on the CORs Applied page.
I. Sense of Self
4 Observation Items
II. Social Relations
6 Observation Items
III. Creative Representation
3 Observation Items
IV. Movement
4 Observation Items
V. Communication and Language
6 Observation Items
VI. Exploration and Early Logic
5 Observation Items
I. Initiative
4 Observation Items
II. Social Relations
4 Observation Items
III. Creative Representation
3 Observation Items
IV. Movement and Music
5 Observation Items
V. Language and Literacy
8 Observation Items
VI. Mathematics and Science
8 Observation Items