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Math in High Scope

Math in High Scope

High Scope uses what are called 'Key Experiences' for teaching

These are the categories for the High Scope Preschool Key Experiences for Math:

  • Classification

  • Seriation

  • Number

  • Space

  • Time

Each of these categories holds several Preschool COR (Child Observation Record) Items.
E.g. the COR Items on Classification are:

  • Sorting Objects

  • Identifying Materials and Properties

  • Identifying Natural and Living Things

High Scope defines 5 levels for every COR Item and through daily interaction I will know what developmental levels the children are at. I can then devise activities around the childrens' interests that are specially designed to bring the children on in their development.

Please see the CORs Applied page for a more detailed explanation of how I use the above 'Key Experiences'.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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