Síolta Components
Síolta Components for Practice
The 16 Síolta Standards are split up into bite-size components, which cover all aspects of the operation and management of out of home settings for children aged 0-6 years. Full Síolta Manuals are available on www.siolta.ie.
Standard 1: Rights of the Child |
Component 1.1 |
Each child has opportunities to make choices, is enabled to make decisions, and has her/his choices and decisions respected. |
Component 1.2 |
Each child has opportunities and is enabled to take the lead, initiate activity, be appropriately independent and is supported to solve problems. |
Component 1.3 |
Each child is enabled to participate actively in the daily routine, in activities, in conversations and in all other appropriate situations, and is considered as a partner by the adult. |
Standard 2: Environments |
Component 2.1 |
The indoor and outdoor environment is well planned and laid out to accommodate the needs of all children and adults in the setting. |
Component 2.2 |
The environment (including equipment and materials) is adaptable for, and accessible to, all children and adults within the setting. |
Component 2.3 |
The indoor and outdoor environment is well maintained and ensures comfortable and pleasant surroundings for children and adults. |
Component 2.4 |
The environment promotes the safety, both indoors and outdoors, of all children and adults. |
Component 2.5 |
The outdoor environment provides a range of developmentally appropriate, challenging, diverse, creative and enriching experiences for all children. |
Component 2.6 |
The indoor environment provides a range of developmentally appropriate, challenging, diverse, creative and enriching experiences for all children. |
Component 2.7 |
There is an appropriate amount of equipment and materials within the setting (both indoors and outdoors) for use by individual children and groups of children. |
Component 2.8 |
The environment provides for the safe management of food consumption. |
Standard 3: Parents and Families |
Component 3.1 |
Staff and parents have both formal and informal opportunities for communication and information sharing about the child. |
Component 3.2 |
There are a variety of opportunities for parents to be involved in activities within the setting, taking into account the range of parents’ interests and time-constraints. |
Component 3.2 |
Staff are responsive and sensitive in the provision of information and support to parents in their key role in the learning and |
Component 3.4 |
The setting has written records of all policies and procedures regarding parental involvement and makes them available to all stakeholders. |
Standard 4: Consultation |
Component 4.1 |
The setting actively invites contributions to decision-making processes and strategies for the development and delivery of the service from a wide range of interested stakeholders. |
Component 4.2 |
The setting acts upon contributions to decisionmaking processes and strategies for the development and delivery of the service from a wide range of interested stakeholders, as appropriate. |
Standard 5: Interactions |
Component 5.1 |
Each child is enabled to interact with her/his peers and with children of different ages in pairs, small groups and, to a lesser degree, in large groups. |
Component 5.2 |
Each child receives appropriate support to enable her/him to interact positively with other children. |
Component 5.3 |
The adult uses all aspects of the daily routine (both formal and informal) to interact sensitively and respectfully with the child. |
Component 5.4 |
The adult interactive style is focused on process as opposed to outcomes. It is balanced between talking and listening, offers the child a choice of responses and encourages expanded use of language. It follows the child’s lead and interests, and challenges the child appropriately. |
Component 5.5 |
Interactions between the adults within, and associated with the setting, act as a model of respect, support and partnership for the child. |
Component 5.6 |
There is a clear written policy and associated procedures which underpin interactive practice taking place within the setting. |
Standard 6: Play |
Component 6.1 |
The child spends a significant amount of time in the setting at play/exploration, and these and other playful activities are central to the daily routine. |
Component 6.2 |
When the child is engaged in play/exploration, the equipment and materials provided are freely available and easily accessible to her/him. |
Component 6.3 |
The opportunities for play/exploration provided for the child mirror her/his stage of development, give the child the freedom to achieve mastery and success, and challenge the child to make the transition to new learning and development. |
Component 6.4 |
Each learning area and each activity in the setting has plenty of equipment and materials for the child. |
Component 6.5 |
Play opportunities provided for the child encourage her/him to explore, to be creative and to use her/his previous learning to make new meanings. |
Component 6.6 |
The child has opportunities for play/exploration with other children, with participating and supportive adults and on her/his own, as appropriate. |
Component 6.7 |
Opportunities for play/exploration are devised in conjunction with planning for curriculum/programme implementation, and are adapted |
Standard 7: Curriculum |
Component 7.1 |
It is evident that the child’s learning and development are holistic experiences and processes, that play is central to integrated learning and development and to curriculum/programme implementation. |
Component 7.2 |
There is a well-referenced curriculum or programme in operation, based on established and verifiable principles of child development. |
Component 7.3 |
The curriculum/programme is reflected in and implemented through the child’s daily routine, spontaneous learning opportunities, structured activities and activities initiated by the child. |
Component 7.4 |
Curriculum/programme implementation is achieved through a variety of adult strategies, close and supportive relationships in the setting and a wide range of experiences which are made available to the child. |
Component 7.5 |
The curriculum or programme of activities being implemented is documented and the documentation is available and in use. |
Component 7.6 |
Planning for curriculum or programme implementation is based on the child’s individual profile, which is established through systematic observation and assessment for learning. |
Standard 8: Planning and Evaluation |
Component 8.1 |
Each Standard area of practice is reviewed regularly through appropriate and tailored processes of observation, planning, action and evaluation. |
Component 8.2 |
The setting has established and documented review structures. |
Component 8.3 |
There is a mechanism in place to ensure that review processes lead to changes in practice. |
Component 8.4 |
The outcomes of review structures and processes are recorded, stored and shared, as appropriate. |
Standard 9:Health and Welfare |
Component 9.1 |
The setting has implemented a full range of policies and procedures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, reduce exposure to environmental hazards and stress, and deal effectively and efficiently with medical situations that may arise. |
Component 9.2 |
The setting endeavours, through the implementation of a range of policies, procedures and actions, to promote the health of all children and adults. |
Component 9.3 |
The setting has implemented the guidelines from Children First and Our Duty to Care in relation to child protection. |
Component 9.4 |
The setting is proactive in supporting the development of healthy eating habits in children whilst supporting their enjoyment and appreciation of eating as a positive social experience. |
Component 9.5 |
The setting has made significant efforts to ensure that children’s need for rest, quiet time and privacy is appropriately catered for and respected. |
Component 9.6 |
The setting has made provision to ensure that children can form and sustain secure relationships with adults, siblings, peers and other children. |
Component 9.7 |
The setting ensures that all adults and children are prepared for emergency situations. |
Standard 10: Organisation |
Component 10.1 |
The setting has developed a comprehensive statement or set of statements that clearly describes the vision, values and principles which underpin the nature of the service, and informs all aspects of practice. |
Component 10.2 |
The setting has a range of clearly documented policies and procedures covering all aspects of practice in the setting. These are developed, and shared appropriately, with all stakeholders. |
Component 10.3 |
The management of financial resources within the setting is efficient, effective and ensures the sustainability of the service. |
Component 10.4 |
All adults working in the setting are valued, supported and encouraged in their individual roles and responsibilities. |
Component 10.5 |
A strong ethos of teamwork is evident in the setting. |
Component 10.6 |
The setting keeps relevant and accurate administration records whilst maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality. |
Component 10.7 |
The setting has clearly documented, well developed and functioning management structures and operating processes that support the implementation of the setting’s philosophy, in the best interests of children, families and staff. |
Standard 11: Professional Practice |
Component 11.1 |
All adults working within the setting can provide evidence that they have achieved levels of skills and knowledge appropriate to their role and responsibilities. |
Component 11.2 |
All adults subscribe to a set of core principles, which inform all aspects of their practice in early childhood care and education settings. |
Component 11.3 |
The setting supports and promotes regular opportunity for practitioners to reflect upon and review their practice and contribute positively to the development of quality practice in the setting. |
Component 11.4 |
Adults within the setting are encouraged and appropriately resourced to engage in a wide variety of regular and ongoing professional development. |
Component 11.5 |
Adults demonstrate sensitivity, warmth and positive regard for children and their families. |
Standard 12: Communication |
Component 12.1 |
The setting undertakes the collection of relevant and appropriate information on all children and stores it in a safe manner. |
Component 12.2 |
The setting is proactive in sharing information, as appropriate, in the best interests of the child, with other stakeholders. |
Component 12.3 |
Confidentiality is a feature of the way staff record, store and share information in the best interests of children. |
Component 12.4 |
The setting has written records of all policies, procedures and actions regarding communication within the setting, and makes them available to all stakeholders. |
Standard 13: Transitions |
Component 13.1 |
Smooth transitions are facilitated and promoted through the provision of consistent key relationships within the setting. |
Component 13.2 |
The setting promotes smooth transitions by ensuring there is appropriate liaison within the setting and between settings. |
Component 13.3 |
Parents, children and relevant professionals are consulted and involved in ensuring that transitions are made as smooth as possible for children. |
Component 13.4 |
The setting has written records of all policies, procedures and actions regarding transitions within the setting, and makes them available to all stakeholders. |
Standard 14: Identity and Belonging |
Component 14.1 |
The setting has written records of all policies, procedures and practice regarding the promotion of positive identities and a strong sense of belonging within the setting, and makes them available to all stakeholders. |
Component 14.2 |
The setting promotes a confident self- and group-identity through the provision of an appropriate environment, experiences and interactions within the setting. |
Component 14.3 |
The setting promotes positive understanding and regard for the identity and rights of others through the provision of an appropriate environment, experiences and interactions within the setting. |
Standard 15: Legislation and Regulation |
Component 15.1 |
All relevant legislation and regulations are met or exceeded by the setting. |
Standard 16: Community Involvement |
Component 16.1 |
The setting has gathered and made available a comprehensive range of information on resources at local, regional and national levels. |
Component 16.2 |
The setting has established links which have the potential to extend and develop its involvement in the wider community. |
Component 16.3 |
The setting is connected and integrated with the local, regional and national community. |
Component 16.4 |
The setting actively promotes children’s citizenship in their local, regional and national community. The setting has gathered and made available a comprehensive range of information on resources at local, regional and national levels. |