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Activity Plan

Activity Plan

This is a plan for the Arts & Malleable Small Group Time, (i.e. adult led) activities we do each day.

However, in accordance with High Scope principles I watch the children from day to day and design activities around their interests.

E.g. when I see that they are very interested in a certain activity or intrigued by some material one day, I will design an activity around that area of interest they have shown for the next day.

This ensures that the children are always interested in what they are doing. Besides, it shows them that I care for their interests, which is great for their feeling of self-worth.

Moreover, there is no harm in doing cutting or watercolour painting all week. On the contrary, at some stage a child wants to explore a certain material or technique in depth to get proficient at it. We must not miss these opportunities for learning.

There is no point in thinking up an activity and then sticking to it despite the children's obvious disinterest. They might simply not want to do that activity on that particular day. We all sometimes just do not feel like doing certain things and sticking to something we don't feel like doing will just bore us beyond reason.

Activity Plan 08/05/12 - 11/05/12

Malleable - Play Dough
Arts - Watercolours, Watercolour Soft Pastels, and Watercolour Pencils

Malleable - Clay
Arts - Drawing with Colouring Pencils

Malleable - Sand
Arts - Watercolour Painting

Malleable - Play Dough
Arts - Tearing & Glueing

Malleable - Baking (Muffins)
Arts - Crumbling & Glueing

Last updated 06/04/2022
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