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Outdoor Play

What was your favourite game as a child?

Did you know that 99% of adults will tell you that their favourite game was an outdoor activity? This tells you about the importance of outdoor play.

Whereas the design of the indoor play space is very important, outdoor play is even more so.

Whenever the weather allows it I will take the children outside. I also take them outside when it's wet, windy, or cold because I think it is very important that they experience the seasons. This is also emphasised by High Scope, Aistear, and Síolta.

I have some snow suits and rain clothes (dungarees, jackets, wellies in all sizes) but it helps if parents bring in suitable outdoor clothing for their children.

There are so many things to do outside and children love to be outside.

Besides, basically all activities that can be done inside can also be done outside weather permitting. In summer we do our painting outside, also the malleables, etc.

I cannot guarantee that the children won't get dirty so I always ask parents to bring in a change of clothes.

Things we do outside:
  • Playing in the playground - swinging, sliding, climbing on the climbing frame, building sand castles in the sand box

  • Collecting & sorting stones, sticks and leaves

  • Picking wild flowers - making daisy chains

  • Watching birds, beetles, woodlice, butterflies, or worms

  • Jumping in puddles (great exercise!) or throwing different size stones into water

  • Climbing

  • Treading in mud

  • Watching the farm animals - cockerels, hens & chicks, ducks & ducklings, turkeys, geese, pucks, goats & kids, dogs, cats, horses & pony, sheep & lambs, cows & calves

In summer:

  • All indoor activities besides cooking and baking

Last updated 06/04/2022
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