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"Every child is a special needs child!"
This sums up my attitude towards childminding very well.

  • Every child is special and deserves special treatment.

  • Every single child has strengths and weaknesses and deserves to be fostered and supported accordingly.

  • Every child deserves to be happy and loved.

I do my utmost to ensure that I do whatever it takes to bring on every child in my care as much as I possibly can.

  • Children need the fine motor development foundations for manual dexterity, and exercise to stay healthy.

  • They also need the emotional, and psychological foundations to be able to achieve academically later.

  • Moreover, and most importantly, children need emotional development for regulating their stress response. This enables them to be social creatures and to learn - among other important things.

All of these foundations I strive to lay down - in cooperation with the child's parent(s).

Last updated 06/04/2022
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