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Risk Avoidance

Risk Avoidance

I take precautions to avoid situations like this happening by implementing the following measures:

  • I will follow the recommended adult to child ratio, if needed I will have another adult with me.

  • A risk assessment is carried out prior to the outing as is outlined in my outings policy.

  • Ensuring the children hold my hand or the pushchair whilst we are out.

  • I will not allow children wander off or leave my immediate space (including to use toilet facilities) without accompanying them.

  • I never leave children unattended in a vehicle, outside shops, school gates or in the playground etc.

  • Children are not permitted to leave my home without myself, their parent/carer or authorised person to collect them.

  • I will avoid going to places that are overcrowded.

  • I will agree a clearly visible/accessible meeting point with children over 5 years of age who can understand clear instruction and remind them of it intermittently during the outing, or

  • Children are given safety advice as appropriate for their age, and a meeting point is agreed should they get separated from the group.

  • On outings the children wear a wristband or safety vest with my name, address and mobile number and details of GP and told to show an appropriate adult if separated.

  • All children are accounted for during the day and their arrival and departure time is marked in the register and I make regular head counts.

  • When attending toddler groups I will ensure that all of the children are signed in and out correctly.

  • I teach the children about the dangers of wandering off alone and of talking to strangers and where/who to go to if separated.

  • I have circulated to all parents a copy of this policy, contained in my policy and procedure document.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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