Partnership with Parents
9.0 Policy for Partnership with Parents
I am committed to working in partnership with the parents or guardians of all children in my care; however, if I find it impossible to work with a parent or parents to the best outcomes for their child(ren), I reserve the right to refuse to mind their child(ren).
I am committed to ongoing open communication with parents, will be respectful of their wishes as far as they are in the best interest of the children in my care (remember this is a child-centred service) and will provide a scheduled time, without children present, for updates and discussions.
I give careful consideration to concerns raised by a parent/guardian.
I explain to parents/guardians that my childminding service is child-centred and that the children's needs are paramount referring them to Dr. Thomas Gordon's book PET or the works of Dr. Carl Rogers for my definition of child-centredness.
I provide parents with the information required by the Child Care (Pre-school Services Regulations) and implement the National Guidelines for Childminders.
If necessary, individual work, development, and behaviour manangement plans for a child will be agreed with parents.