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Record Keeping

15.0    Record Keeping

In keeping with the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, I keep a record of the following details about your child:

·         The name and date of birth of the child,

·         The date on which the child first attended the service,

·         The date on which the child ceased to attend the service,

·         The name and address of a parent/guardian of the child and, a telephone number where that parent/guardian or a relative or friend of the child can be contacted,

·         Authorisation for the collection of the child by any other individuals,

·         Details of any illness, disability, allergy or special need of the child, together with all notes relevant to the provision of special care or attention,

·         The name and telephone number of the child’s general practitioner,

·         Record of immunisations, if any, received by the child, and

·         Written consent from a parent/guardian for appropriate medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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