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Food & Nutrition Policy

14.0    Food & Nutrition Policy

I promote healthy eating with Children in line with guidelines issued by the Dept. Health and Dept. of Children and Youth Affairs and in consultation with children and their parent/guardian.

I am aware of the revised food pyramid that was published in December 2016 and I work from it for children from 5 years up.

I select food for younger children, i.e. under 5s in accordance with the Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Pre-school Services.

I provide a range of food from each food group.

I do not provide sweets except for, occasionally, home baked cakes or biscuits.

I pay due attention to hygiene and safety in the purchase, storage, preparation, cooking and serving of all food.

There are adequate and suitable eating utensils, hand washing, wash-up and sterilising facilities provided.

My own cooking is mainly whole foods.

I am willing to co-operate with parent/guardian with regard to any specific dietary requirements.

I do not give children desserts if they do not make an honest attempt to eat the main course (because this would modify the children's behaviour into NEVER eating the main course).

I serve food provided by parent/guardian in line with their instructions as long as they conform with food safety regulations.

Unless parents insist I only serve milk with snacks since the calcium in the milk is needed to metabolise sugar; however I do not usually serve milk with main meals since milk inhibits the body's iron uptake. Milk is also very filling and more food than drink so children don't get hungry when they drink too much milk.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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