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Childminding Ratios

3.0      Childminders and Ratios

In line with Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016:

  • I will mind 6 children or fewer at any one time (this means in my house at the same time), of whom no more than 5 are pre-school age. (Section 12:1a) - This means I am exempt from registering with Túsla.

  • A Pre-school child is defined under the Child Care Act as “a child who is under 6 years of age and who is not attending a National School or a school providing education similar to a National School.”

  • No more than two children should be under 15 months unless they are siblings. (Section 12:2)

  • Under current legislation (see Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School age Services) Regulations 2018) I can mind up to 12 school age children at the same time but only up to 6 if I don't register with Túsla (again "at the same time" means in my house at the same time, i.e. not with me on separate days).

Last updated 06/04/2022
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