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Meningitis Protocol

11.6    Protocol for dealing with a case of suspected/confirmed Meningitis

1. If a child in my care is displaying any of the signs/symptoms of meningitis I would seek urgent medical attention and inform the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

2. If there is a case of meningitis in my service, parents will be advised that all cases of meningitis are notified to the local department of Public Health (by the doctor - GP or hospital doctor - who diagnoses the illness, or the manager of the laboratory that detects meningitis in a lab test), who will carry out an investigation and treatment if required. It is essential to maintain confidentiality in relation to the sick child. Parents will also be made aware of the symptoms of the illness.

Further information is available on:
The Meningitis Trust website

3. As meningitis is a seasonal illness parents are reminded about symptoms every spring and autumn.

4. The incident is appropriately recorded in my Incident book.

5. I will Inform my insurers, Kidd Insurances, phone number 01 207 9400.

6. If my service experienced a cluster/outbreak of two or more cases of any infectious disease. I would contact the local Department of Public Health for advice.

Last updated 06/04/2022
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